“You have an amazing opportunity to have lots of fun and develop yourself in your time here. So explore as much as possible and meet as many people as possible!”
Contact Information: psheth99@seas.upenn.edu
Degree(s) M.S.E. in Data Science, University of Pennsylvania
Hometown: Mumbai, India
Which field of Data Science are you interested in?
Machine learning, statistics
What drew you to study Data Science at Penn?
The multidisciplinary research opportunities and curriculum.
What are some classes that you have particularly enjoyed and why?
STAT 927 and CIS 530 are classes I enjoyed the most at Penn. The professor for stat 927 is amazing and I learnt the most from the assignments for both the classes.
What internships have you had? If you know your post graduation plans, please include here.
I will be working at Comcast as a machine learning research intern for the summer of 2022. I do not have concrete plans post graduation, but would ideally like to get into a research based job, with the possibility of a PhD.
What advice do you have for new students?
You have an amazing opportunity to have lots of fun and develop yourself in your time here. So explore as much as possible and meet as many people as possible.
What classes have you taken?
CIS 520, CIS 530, ESE 542, CIS 545, STAT 927, CIS 522
Share a little bit about yourself.
Apart from ML and math, I spend most of my time playing or talking about football(soccer) or listening to music. I love to play the drums and am recently trying to get good at the guitar.