“Take advantage of all the resources and opportunities at Penn! Go to the events offered for DATS students, make connections, pick classes that interest you, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.”
Contact Information: ltutelma@seas.upenn.edu
Degree(s) M.S.E. in Data Science, University of Pennsylvania
Hometown: Scottsdale, Arizona
Which field of Data Science are you interested in?
Data Analytics, Natural Language Processing
What drew you to study Data Science at Penn?
After completing my undergraduate degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science, I really wanted to delve deeper into more data-centric classes. I was drawn to Penn because of the DATS program of study, which allows for an incredible amount of academic freedom and flexibility in electives.
What are some classes that you have particularly enjoyed and why?
I really enjoyed computational linguistics because of the hands-on approach to projects that used topics learned in class in real world applications. I also enjoyed the theoretical neuroscience course, which gave a theoretical (non algorithmic) basis for machine learning and posed interesting moral, ethical, and scientific questions.
What internships have you had? If you know your post graduation plans, please include here.
What advice do you have for new students?
Take advantage of all the resources and opportunities at Penn! Go to the events offered for DATS students, make connections, pick classes that interest you, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
What classes have you taken?
Share a little bit about yourself.
Academically: a passion for data science and internship experiences in public and private sectors. Non academically: Reading, Art (painting and drawing), my dog (miniature Australian Shepherd), and way too much TV/movie watching