“Connect with peers and faculty. Apply for internships early on (even if you do not have experience in DS, each online assessment/interview will teach you something). If you are a newbie (like me), start with small projects on Kaggle / HackerRank.”
Contact Information: bhsingha@seas.upenn.edu
Degree(s) M.S.E. in Data Science, University of Pennsylvania
Hometown: Delhi, India
Which field of Data Science are you interested in?
Natural Language Processing
What drew you to study Data Science at Penn?
This was a career change decision for me. I had been a SWE for very long and started to get interested in DS after doing a couple of projects involving telemetry. I decided to pursue DS at Penn due to flexible course structure and faculty.
What are some classes that you have particularly enjoyed and why?
CIS-520 by Prof Lyle is the best class I have taken so far. It is grueling but it really prepares you for the industry. I liked CIS-545 too as it is hands-on so you get a lot of experience with dealing with data.
What internships have you had? If you know your post graduation plans, please include here.
I am currently interning with Microsoft (Outlook team) over the summer. Given my experience with the team so far, I will love to come back.
What advice do you have for new students?
Connect with peers and faculty. Apply for internships early on (even if you do not have experience in DS, each online assessment/interview will teach you something). If you are a newbie (like me), start with small projects on Kaggle / HackerRank.
What classes have you taken?
Share a little bit about yourself.